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  1. GSAC Graduate Student Breakfast

    Thursday, December 7th, from  9-11 am!  Take a break from writing and studying to join us during the last ...

  2. CFAES Principles of Community

    protected veteran status. We take individual and collective responsibility for helping to eliminate bias and ...

  3. Opportunities for Undergraduates

    programs. This event typically takes place at the end of October. View more information on the GPS flyer. ...

  4. How to Apply

    beginning the application process, persons interested in the program should take note of the following ... following the December 1 deadline. The review process is detailed and takes some time for all faculty to be ...

  5. Student Emergency Fund

    health insurance Books and school supplies Parking (passes, ticket, etc.)  Conference and travel expenses ...

  6. Belonging and Connection

    There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot ... retention. Joining a student organization or an intramural team are two ways in which you can connect with ...

  7. CFAES Alumni Award Recipients

    Education) 1992 Donald L. Noah (Agricultural Education) 1991 Darrell L. Parks (Agricultural Education) 1990 ... Rudd (Agricultural Education) 1996 Jeffrey P. Miller (Agricultural Education) Jeannette R Keywood ...

  8. Finding Connections on Campus

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  9. Belonging and Connection

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  10. ACEL Alumni Board Members

    The ACEL Alumni Board operates from three pillars of programming, connecting alumni to alumni, ... recognizing alumni and connecting alumnit to students. Twelve alumni make up the board with three from each ...
