
Search results

  1. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Extension as well as the role the organization should play in shaping and positively impacting Ohio and Ohio ...

  2. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    told him. Though he was not in dire financial shape, not at risk of losing the farm nor going broke, he ...

  3. Egg Price Drop Good for Consumers, Tough for Producers

    declined, and the price of eggs skyrocketed. Producers then took on more birds to try to take advantage of ... takes time to adjust,” Plakias said referring to the 2015 avian influenza outbreak. “This is a kind of ... significantly, dairy farmers sometimes take the drastic measure of dumping some of their milk to reduce the ...

  4. July 27 Field Day to Feature Field Crops

    State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The field day will take place from 9 to ... and Update “It is my hope that attendees can take some of what we are researching back to their ...

  5. Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station

    State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The field day will take place from 9 to ... and Update “It is my hope that attendees can take some of what we are researching back to their ...

  6. Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 3

    critical importance of evaluating yourself and your perceptions, listening and finally, taking appropriate ...

  7. Bamboo Garden

    include a wonderfully diverse range of sizes, leaf shapes, and colors. Tall bamboos can provide evergreen ... sure to plan for its eventual mature size. A bamboo may take up to ten years from first planting to ...

  8. Seminar: Origin, domestication, evolution and differentiation of maize

    domesticated?  Where did maize domestication take place, once or several times? How did it diffuse ...

  9. A Life in the CIty: The Often Unseen Biodervisity that Surrounds Us and Why It Matters, with Mary Gardiner, OSU Entemology

    "BUGS" to the memo and we can take them at the door. Indicate vegan, vegetarian, or gluten free food ...

  10. Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 2

    things go right. They set the stage for taking action (see next webinar). Register for this webinar *OSU ...
