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  1. 2017 Ethel Louise Armstrong Lecture on Disability Art & Culture

    to organization/department to support future projects)   Posters can take a variety of forms ...

  2. 1997 and Prior

    Franscisco Bans Pesticide Use in City Parks and Office, New Pesticide Applicatory Advisory Group, Cut Roses ...

  3. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    Over-the-Rhine and another neighborhood in Cincinnati. "I've had a lot of luck connecting with the ...

  4. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  5. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  6. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean culture, arts, heritage, and history. Earlier engagements were for countries including Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Lebanon (Facebook page) ...

  7. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

