
Search results

  1. Department and Ohio Pork Council Host 'Pork 509'

    techniques for ac hieving objective quality measurements. “We really want to find ways to take the human ...

  2. Huron MGVs Partner to Help Feed the Hungry

    community markets.  Gifted Bellevue Senior High School students take a day from their school studies to work ...

  3. Caroline Grace Cotter Memorial Service

    invited. Please know that we are here to support you in whatever way we can; we encourage you to take care ...

  4. Introductory Animal Sciences Laboratory Course Makes the Theoretical Relatable

    and management. Labs may take place at animal facilities, in Price Arena, or th e Meat Laboratory. “We ... Students were able to handle a cow’s preserved stomach and take and observe a rumen sample from ... Industries, and Veterinary Technology specializations are required to take the Introductory Animal Sciences ...

  5. Dr. Alejandro Relling's Research on Sheep Could Have Impacts for Humans

    a dairy farm for nine months and then take some classes at the university,” said Relling. “Taking those ...

  6. What’s the buzz: Caffeine has its good and bad aspects

    of students who say they do not consume caffeine, but still take the course. However, most of them ... especially dangerous because a person could easily take too many without immediately recognizing the effects. ... Just like with shots of alcohol, it is easy to overdo it by taking too many in a short period of time, ...

  7. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 2000-2005

    dairy economics/marketing. 2003 Joseph M. Miller Brown Swiss breeder Born near Camden, Ohio in  Preble ... for Darke County Adult Programa. Volunteerism has been a way of life for Joe Miller and his family. ...

  8. Multi Scholar Program Promotes Meat Science and Helps Puerto Rico

    filing a void, and to connect the dots from livestock practices to meat products and meat quality. I hope ...

  9. Data Show Faculty Profiles are Important

    related to the pertinent people involved, thus, connecting you to your current events and happenings. Have ...

  10. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts & Fall Semester Schedules Needed!

    Hosts are encouraged to take their shadow(s) to class, the Oval, the Union, a room in Nosker House, and ...
