
Search results

  1. Be Prepared To Scout For Black Cutworm And Armyworm Damage

    protection, take a look at this handy Bt trait table developed by Dr. Chris DiFonzo at Michigan State: ...

  2. Know Risk Factors for Forage Cyanide Poisoning

    usually takes 5 to 7 days.  Since cyanide is a gas, it will have volatilized and dissipated from dead ...

  3. Holiday Budget

    we’ve been talking about getting a handle on our money flow, really taking a look at the money in and ...

  4. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    did it sit for two weeks and collect rain or floodwater first? When you take that forage sample, do ...

  5. Be Alert for Palmer Amaranth

     Call me at the Wayne County Extension office (330-264-8722) or connect with others who can assist in ...

  6. Registration for Cloverbud Day Camp to Open in May

    looking like we will be taking a one-day bus trip to somewhere fun and educational.  Look for more ...

  7. 2017 Junior Fair Schedule Finalized

    schedule. Lastly, one other change is that the Junior Fair Coronation Ceremony will now take place on ...

  8. Beef Cow Size and Profitability

    Oklahoma data showed that it was taking roughly 4 times more acres to run a cow in 2014 vs. 1974.  Wyoming ...

  9. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry

    located could be helpful in planning spray applications and taking precautions with buffer strips. The ...

  10. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Strategic Planning Session

    a lunch for you or if you need Adobe connection information. Please RSVP to Mary Slyby ( ...
