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Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing
want to extend the grazing season into late fall and/or winter. To stockpile forage, take a last ...
4-H / Jr. Fair Action & Advisory Committee Elections Update
representatives who will serve on these committees. We are taking this course of action to ensure that each ...
Should You Use A Nitrogen Inhibitor?
rapidly take up nitrogen before it could be leached. A University of Kentucky Extension publication on ...
Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin
and take advantage of price rallies. Regardless of when grain is sold, it must remain in good ... respectively. Grain mass temperature is also important. Fortunately, Ohio farmers can effectively take advantage ...
Wheat Management Practices
are root diseases such as take-all. Fungicides will not help, and although varieties are known to vary ... in their susceptibility to take-all, this type of information is not readily available. ...
Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting
lamps and fixtures to dissipate heat, which can reduce lamp life. Taking the time to regularly clean ...
Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting
lamps and fixtures to dissipate heat, which can reduce lamp life. Taking the time to regularly clean ...
Nutrient Management Algae Control Legislation
determined by rulemaking and after allowing opportunity for a hearing. The House takes a "corrective ...
Important Information for Livestock Project Participants
shall take place twice a day. C) A written log must be kept and include the following information: ... with the pen. Take pride in your fair! DRESS FOR SUCCESS! Appropriate dress for showing your animal ...
Cover Crops after Corn Silage Harvest
cover crop can germinate and grow to take advantage of an earlier planting date. Some cover crop grass ...