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  1. Farmer Cooperators Needed to Document Effects of Pipeline Installation on Soil

    take to restore disturbed areas to anything resembling normal productivity.  Steve Culman, OSU ...

  2. Ohio Local Foods Week

    surrounding counties.  Take some time to have a conversation with a farmer and learn more about what it takes ... production in particular.  I hope you take some time this week to make a meal of local food and appreciate ...

  3. Dairy Calf Management Workshop

    A hot lunch will be provided at noon.  The afternoon session will take place at the Virgil Gasser dairy ...

  4. Tips for Picky Eaters

    a time and in small amounts.  Allow them to take a bite and then they can say “no-thank you” for the ...

  5. The Holiday Season

    favorite recipe and makes enough for everyone to have a few to take home. *Ask the family what kind of ...

  6. Holiday Budgets

    we’ve been talking about getting a handle on our money flow, really taking a look at the money in and ...

  7. Cold Weather Dairy Calf Care

    critical temperature for older calves is higher as compared to younger calves, but it takes time and energy ...

  8. County Centennial Celebrations

    Weather-permitting, this will take place on the courthouse steps, with local media coverage. Refreshments will follow. ... activity station around fairfounds, starting at OSUE booth. Families sign up, take self-guided tour, learn ...

  9. The Farm Balance Sheet

    rely on your memory as you fill out the balance sheet.  Take a walk around the farm and make notes.  ...

  10. Grass Tetany Prevention

    when soils are cool and if soil potassium levels are high, these species will take up potassium more ...
