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2015 Livestock Judging Camp
animals. At the camp, kids will learn how to evaluate the animals, take notes, and then present reasons. We ...
Building a Resume
relevant information about yourself to include in the résumé. 2. Indicate a connection between the type of ...
Beef Cattle School
is Sept. 28. To reach the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, take exit 28 off I-77. Turn south on ...
Beef Cattle School
is Sept. 28. To reach the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, take exit 28 off I-77. Turn south on ...
Beef Cattle School
is Sept. 28. To reach the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, take exit 28 off I-77. Turn south on ...
Communiqué February 20, 2012
terrific, and I don’t want to get too in-depth here and take away from what you’ll read in the book; but ... organizational trust. We’ll take a look at the four Cores in our next issue. Annual Conference Sessions Posted ... professor, Higher Education College of Education and Human Ecology; Joseph Maiorano, OSU Extension Family and ...
2016 Animal Science Hall of Fame
those students who take the Midwest Consortium poultry courses each summer. ...
Poultry Science
opportunity to take summer classes through the Mid-West Poultry Consortium Center of Excellence (COE). The ...
In the News
ASAS Taking Stock: Dr. Dehority is an emeritus professor in Animal Sciences. Optimum vitamin nutrition ...
Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service Workshop
that's critical; it's how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers ...