
Search results

  1. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Annie Glaser

    Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse,   in Ohio. She received her Bachelor's Degree (2015) from our ... rough career path that brought you to being the General Manager at Foertmeyer and Sons Greenhouse? My ... Foertmeyer and Sons Greenhouse during fall shipping season. I reached out to Foertmeyer the following spring ...

  2. Become a Volunteer

    and leaders that Ohio's youth need in order to learn the new skills that 4-H has to offer. With ... a completed application/background check, interview, and volunteer training. Submit an application to begin ...

  3. Respirators for the Farm

    respirators, change the cartridge filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions or if a substance taste ... doctor’s advice may be needed before using a respirator in the person has lung disease, heart trouble, or ...

  4. EPN Evening Program- Monday, December 2, 2024: Oh, Deer! Collaborative efforts to create and link deer management plans across Central Ohio

    your specific needs.  Masks are optional for all event attendees at this event, in accordance with Ohio ... Wildlife managers, researchers, and citizens alike have recognized the need for cross-boundary, ... management of fluctuating deer populations underscores the need for forums to share best practices and ...

  5. Office Closed November 11th- Veteran's Day

    and we will be sure to call you at our earliest convenience during business hours. Any other ...

  6. Dr. Imed Dami's Passing

    sons, extended family and friends during this difficult time. He will be greatly missed. Dr. Dami's ...

  7. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification

    6, 7 Fertilizer Recertification: 6:30-7:30 PM Pre-registration is required; call 330-339-2337 or ...

  8. Market Beef Tag-In Scheduled, 2025 Ohio State Fair Beef DNA Sample Kits Available

    will need to present their animal at market beef tag-in December 14 from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Main ... needed. More detailed information can be found at The Ohio State ... professional will need to sign the collection envelope (FFA advisor will sign for FFA members) and 4-H members ...

  9. Nitrate Tip- For Animal Safety Add Testing To Forage Analysis

    need to be blended with low nitrate forages to reduce the percentage provided in the final ration.  ... Veterinary Preventive Medicine called “Busting Salmonella”.  The program will discuss BMP’s for the ... that you submit a courtesy registration by calling our office. I also have two dystocia/birthing ...

  10. Cloverbuds Deserve Great Volunteers

    or 4-H club volunteer. As the child's self-esteem is beginning to take shape, each adult has the ...
