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  1. Learn From Master Gardener Volunteers at The Columbus Dispatch Home and Garden Show

    show, Feb 17-25, this year Master Gardener Volunteers will build and staff The Edible Garden, a live ... Educator for Franklin County.   The garden will include raised beds and various container gardens. It will ... be staffed during the show by OSU Extension Master Gardeners, and hands-on educational programs will ...

  2. Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN Coalition Update

    move through the fields.  We will have more information about this initiative at Farm Science Review. ...

  3. Minimizing pollen contamination of non-GMO Corn

    plantings so prevalent across the state, corn growers interested in obtaining non-GMO corn premiums need to ... Minnesota SW Research and Outreach Center. online at  http ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-13

    will increase. Now is the time to start keeping your eyes on the scab prediction center at ... prediction center will be updated regularly with comments specific for Ohio. We do not recommend Fungicide ... will need nitrogen. If conditions were moist but not enough to reach the 0.25 inch mark, you could have ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-25

    quality seed lots. Seed treatments will not increase poor germination due to excessive mechanical damage, ... glume blotch were at high levels in many fields this year, therefore growers need to limit losses due to ... for seed. These seed infesting fungi will contribute to poor quality seed resulting in reduced yield ...

  6. 2017 Urban Agriculture & Community Garden Summit: We Dig Ohio

    that will expand your gardening expertise. Attend sessions and workshops in a variety of subjects. ...

  7. Be Mindful of Honeybees and Other Pollinators During Planting

    colonies will soon be large enough that they will be able to make a honey crop off of clovers, black ... locust, alfalfa and soybean in the coming months.  Some beekeepers will then move their colonies into ...

  8. Injury Prevention- Safety During Fall Harvest

    a time that involves long hours and the need for multiple pieces of farm equipment working simultaneously ... narrow roadways. Use escort vehicles when needed. For more information about the OSU Ag Safety visit ...

  9. What’s Legal to Apply to the LL-GT27 Soybean – The (maybe almost) Final Story

    There’s plenty of generic clethodim around to help out with grass.  We assume label language will adapt ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-06

    of the average looking fields will recover well enough to produce a profitable crop this will all ... wheat will start greening up and fields that appeared poor before the snow could improve their ... appearance greatly. The next two to three weeks will be critical for development of the crop and this is the ...
