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Biology of Insects, Animals & Fungi Affecting Buildings
ENTMLGY 1111 Acquaint construction engineers with the incredible biological diversity found on Planet Earth using insects as examples and biological models. Management of building attacking and inhabiting insects, animals and fungi will be covered. Prereq ...
Exploring Entomology
ENTMLGY 1100 Basic understanding of the global trends within entomology, the diversity of career opportunities within the industry, planning for a career and opportunities for professional development. Undergraduate 0.5 ENTMLGY 1100 Syllabus_2023.pdf Autu ...
Insect Biology
ENTMLGY 1101 Acquaints people with the incredible biological diversity represented by the largest group of living animals, the insects. Insects will be used to illustrate important biological principles and functions as well as the scientific process. Pre ...
Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo
runs from 6-8pm at the UTBZ in the Wooster Science Building on OSU’s Wooster Campus. Cost per session ...
Insect Symbioses
ENTMLGY 3100 This course focuses on insect symbioses, the intimate associations among insect species and other organisms that are commonplace in nature. Prereq: Biology 1113, 1113H, 1114, or 1114 H. Undergraduate 3.0 ENTMLGY 3100 SP 23 SYLLABUS.pdf Spring ...
Community Paint Out With Artist Mah Leah Cochran & OSU BUGmobile
Join artist Mah Leah Cochran and paint BUGS with the community during Scioto Fest! FREE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. No registration necessary. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 11AM-1PM Visit the Ohio State University's traveling BUGmobile featuring over 150 diffe ...
Insect Pathology
ENTMLGY 5121 The basic principles of pathology as applied to pathogens infecting insects and related arthropods. Course content will include how pathogens manifest diseases in individuals and populations, descriptions of major micro- and macro-organisms t ...
Join the BUGmobile for an annual celebration of all things buggy at the Penitentiary Glen Reservation!
Live bugs, games, activities, and crafts at this FREE event. Join us at Penitentiary Glen Reservation as we celebrate Bug Day with activities for all ages. Whether you’re an insect enthusiast or just looking for a family fun outing, Bug Day is the perfect ...
of our students volunteer or are paid employees of the OSU Insectary which houses over 100 species of ... beekeeping, and tours of the OSU Insectary, among many other activities. entomology MAJORs choose one of ... the advisor to develop a major program based on the student’s long-term interests. Visit OSU ...
Asian Longhorned Beetle the Focus of Talk at FSR
“The New Forest Threat: Asian Longhorned Beetle” at 11 a.m. on Sept. 20 at the university’s Farm ... Science Review near London. Native to China, the Asian longhorned beetle, which kills trees, was found ... for the first time in Ohio this spring. “ALB poses a huge threat to our trees, both rural and urban, ...