
Search results

  1. Connection between diet and coyote-human conflict focus of article

    Associate Professor Stan Gehrt's research on the diets of coyotes in the Cape Breton area involved in killing Canadian folk singer, Taylor Mitchell in 2009, is the focus of a recent article for The Wildlife Society.  At the 22nd Annual Wildlife Socie ...

  2. Nitrogen Recommendations for Wheat

    Soon wheat will be greening-up across the state. Ohio State University recommends applying nitrogen between green-up and Feekes Growth Stage 6 (early stem elongation), which is generally the latter part of April. The potential for nitrogen loss will decre ...

  3. Is It Too Early to Apply N to Wheat?

    Each year producers ask the question when is the best time to apply N to wheat? Also, is it ok to apply N on frozen ground? For any N application the question to ask is when does the crop need N. Wheat does not require large amounts of N until stem elonga ...

  4. Professor Lal receives honorary degree from Technical University of Dresden

    Professor Rattan Lal, a soil scientist and Distinguished Professor at The Ohio State University, received the honorary degree as Doctor of Natural Sciences honoris causa from the Technical University (TU) of Dresden on September 23, 2015. “With the granti ...

  5. Surface coal mine land reclamation using a dry flue gas desulfurization product: Short-term and long-term water responses

    Chen, Liming, Richard Stehouwer, Xiaogang Tong, Dave Kost, Jerry M. Bigham and Warren A. Dick. 2015. Surface coal mine land reclamation using a dry flue gas desulfurization product: Short-term and long-term water responses. Chemosphere 134:459-465. Journa ...

  6. Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria

    Diallo, M.D.,  A. Guisse, S.N. Sall, R.P. Dick, K.B. Assigbetse, A.L. Dieng and J.L. Chotte.  2015. Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Env ...

  7. Mitigating biodiversity concerns in eucalyptus plantations located in south China

    Williams, R.A. (2015) Mitigating biodiversity concerns in eucalyptus plantations located in south China. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 3, 1-8. Roger A. Williams Journal article ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-34

    (Soybean Production), Bill Weiss (Forages); Extension Educators: Todd Mangen (Mercer), Glen Arnold ...

  9. Professor Emeritus Recognized for Forestry Instruction

    Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Randall Heiligmann, who was recently honored by The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) for his 30 years of enthusiastic and inspirational forestry instruction as a professor in the School of Environment and N ...

  10. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture

    Lal, Rattan. 2015. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70(3):55A-62A. Rattan Lal Journal article ...
