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  1. The Big Data Confusion: Part 4 – Collection, Access, and Control

    This week’s installment of “The Big Data Confusion” highlights “Collection, Access and Control”. According to the Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data, “an ATP’s collection, access and use of farm data should be granted only with the affirmative ...

  2. 2016-08


  3. The Big Data Confusion: Part 3- Ownership

    This week’s topic in “The Big Data Confusion” series touches on the importance of data ownership.  According to the Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data, “ We believe farmers own information generated on their farming operation.  However, it is t ...

  4. When is the Best Time to Apply N to Wheat

    For any N application the question to ask is, “When does the crop need N?” Wheat does not require large amounts of N until stem elongation/jointing (Feekes Growth Stage 6), which is the middle or the end of April depending on the location in the state and ...

  5. OSU OSHA Safety Day

    Registration and details available here.  ...

  6. 2016-07


  7. The Big Data Confusion: Answering Your Questions about Digital Agriculture

    Digital Agriculture includes large collections of farm data being used by farmers, companies, and government agencies to aid in decision making related to crop production and farm management.  It can also be used as a way to better predict nutrient availa ...

  8. It Is Not Too Late to Apply Nitrogen on Wheat

    In many southern Ohio locations wheat has already reached Feekes Growth Stage 5. This is an ideal time to apply spring nitrogen: plants will soon begin a rapid uptake of N and the potential for N loss will be reduced because of this larger demand. The nor ...

  9. Extension Faculty Meeting

    219 Tuesday, April 21, 2015- 3:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  10. Manure Drag Hose Plot Results

    The 2015 growing season was the 2 nd year for a corn post-emergent drag hose study at the OARDC Northwest branch at Holtville. The purpose of this plot is to determine how far along in development the corn crop can be before the damage from a drag hose wo ...
