
Search results

  1. 2016-32


  2. Say Good-bye to Manually Controlled Sprayers

    Ehsani, an Ohio State University Extension agricultural engineer who is among a group of researchers ...

  3. USDA: Ongoing Drought Causes Significant Crop Yield Declines

    year, Ohio State University Extension   economist Matt Roberts  said. In its monthly crops report, USDA ...

  4. USDA: Ongoing Drought Causes Significant Crop Yield Declines

    year, Ohio State University Extension   economist Matt Roberts  said. In its monthly crops report, USDA ...

  5. Cleveland, Similar Cities Could Produce Most of Their Energy: Ohio State Study

    Distinguished Research Scholar who is also a specialist with Ohio State University Extension ...

  6. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research also showed that tracks can do a very good ...

  7. Postemergence Control of Giant Ragweed in Soybeans

    inhibitor) such as Flexstar or another fomesafen-containing herbicide, or Cobra.  OSU research generally ...

  8. Western Bean Cutworm Damage and Heavy Feeding on Cry1F

    We have been contacted by several growers and crop advisors regarding heavy feeding on corn ears by Western bean cutworm (WBC).  These observations were confirmed during a recent visit to several fields in Northwest Ohio.  It was very easy to spot damaged ...

  9. Ohio Soybeans On Track For Record Yields

    1997. "Yields have been fantastic," said Jim Beuerlein, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    Extension appointment. "But once it starts warming up and dormancy is broken, it becomes an issue ...
