
Search results

  1. CES Dorothy Rex Inspirational Award

    first Extension support staff organization nationwide. Dorothy passed away August 17, 2023: Obit. This ... Extension position. The Awards Committee will accept nominations. Nomination form for the Dorothy Rex ...

  2. Dorothy Rex Inspirational Award

    first Extension support staff organization nationwide. Dorothy passed away August 17, 2023: Obit. This ... Extension position. The Awards Committee will accept nominations. Nomination form for the Dorothy Rex ...

  3. Ohio Berry Field Night at OSU South Centers – Aug. 28

    Join Extension and college professionals for an Ohio Berry Field Night at OSU South Centers in ...

  4. Office Closed to the public First Friday of Each Month

    We will be closed the First Friday of each month to complete training, office tasks and plan programs. Staff availability will be by appointment only on the First Friday of each month.  ...

  5. Fall Wellness Walk 11.18.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  6. Fall Wellness Walk 10.28.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  7. Fall Wellness Walk 11.1.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  8. Fall Wellness Walk 10.07.2024

    Join Laura Stanton, OSU Extension Educator, and other guests, for a series of relaxing strolls ...

  9. Women in Agriculture Monthly Webinars

    meetings are open to Extension professionals who want to learn more about supporting women in agriculture, ... and the public. More information can be found at ...

  10. Unique County Visits Around the State Continue this Summer

    Aug. 9, the Highland County office of OSU Extension celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ... As always, thank you to everyone for your dedication to the mission of Extension and conducting our ... ways we can tell the story of Extension throughout the state; and I appreciate the heart, soul and ...
