
Search results

  1. New development staff for Wooster campus

    The college recently added two staff members to support development efforts for the Wooster campus. Dawn Hammer Tabata was named senior director of development for CFAES in September, 2014. Based in Columbus, she is responsible for major gifts fundraising ...

  2. Partnership with K&S Millwrights yields new grain storage for Ohio State ATI

    Animals need grain, and grain needs a place to be stored. At Ohio State ATI’s Grace Drake Learning Laboratory (GDLL), the need became especially pressing when one of its two grain bins developed structural problems. Located downhill from one of Ohio State ...

  3. Ohio State ATI enrollment on the rise

    For two consecutive years, Ohio State ATI autumn semester enrollment has increased. Fall 2013 enrollment was 643 students, an increase of 5.1 percent over 2012. This year's enrollment jumped by nearly 10 percent to an official headcount of 702.  Enro ...

  4. Dr. D. Elder publishes book

    Congratulations to Dr. D. Elder on the recent publication of her book “ Why the Amish Sing ”. A review of the book emphasizes that singing occurs in nearly every setting of Amish life. It is a sanctioned pleasure that frames all Amish rituals and one that ...

  5. Growing Ohio

    Grow your ideas... with OARDC Grow your business... with BioHio Grow your workforce... with Ohio State ATI The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is the largest of its type in the nation. Its ability to assist enterprises with bio-b ...

  6. New Farm Bill Option Aids Producers in Managing Crop Risk

    be downloaded by logging on to Here are ...

  7. New Items in our Popular Collection

    Popular DVDs DVD FAULT IN OUR STARS Fault in our stars; Fox 2000 Pictures  DVD FED UP Fed up / Radius-TWC and Atlas Films  DVD IN ORGANIC WE TRUST In organic we trust / a Pasture Pictures presentation DVD LIVE DIE REPEAT Live. die. repeat: / edge of tomor ...

  8. Breeder Contributions Helped Shape Soybean Industry

    Phytophthora, has been a priority for St. Martin. "The plant pathology department is a real strength at OSU ...

  9. Perplexing Worm Behavior May Play Role in Weed Survival

    292-8497, or e-mail COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Common nightcrawlers, earthworms used for fish bait ...

  10. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    Buckeye Book Community  - The Buckeye Book Community (BBC) is Ohio State's common reading experience.  It is intended to help first year students build a srong connection to campus and encourage students to wrestle with new ideas.  This shared-experi ...
