
Search results

  1. ENR Senior Capstone Fair

    Are you a a student in Env Sci, EPDM, FFW, or NRM planning to graduate during the 2017-2018 academic year? Then you should be planning to take the Senior Capstone course: ENR 4900.01 or 4900.02. This year, there is a new rule regarding enrolling in Capsto ...

  2. OSU Climate Change Webinar

      Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries in Lakes Michigan & Huron is the topic for this OSU ... lake trout, yellow perch, and lake whitefish Register online at  OSU Changing Climate  or contact ...

  3. CFAES Celebration of Students

    Faculty and staff are invited to join CFAES students Thursday, April 6 for the 64th CFAES Celebration of Students (formerly known as the CFAES Recognition Program)! Let’s tell our CFAES story together! ...

  4. MicroTrop 2014 In Pictures

     recycled, treated waste water. OSU Plant Pathology Graduate Student, Spencer Debenport demonstrates sample ...

  5. Ecology and Dynamics of Aspen in Fire-Dependent Communities across the Lake States and North Atlantic Region

    The Lakes States Fire Science Consortium's April Webinar welcomes Anthony D'Amato, Associate Professor in Silviculture and Applied Forest Ecology, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. He will present &qu ...

  6. Regional Fire Science Consortia Webinar         ...

  7. Funding Your Education with Associateships and Fellowships

    composition course requirements prior to graduation. Admitted international students attending OSU must either ...

  8. Innovate Conference

    Ohio State’s Office of Distance Education and eLearning invites you to the Ohio Union for Innovate, an annual conference bringing together educators, administrators, and tech industry professionals to explore recent advancements, best practices, and provo ...

  9. Extension Promotion and Tenure Committee fall meeting


  10. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...
