
Search results

  1. Introduction to Insect Science

    ENTMLGY 4600 This digital course provides basic information on insects to students intending to take additional coursework in entomology. Prereq: Biology 1101 (101), 1113 (113), or 1115H (115H), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 1101 (101), 1 ...

  2. Internship Experiences in Entomology

    ENTMLGY 4191 Ten or more weeks of an individualized experiential learning opportunity designed to link theoretical classroom knowledge with practical field application or research experience in an ongoing research environment. Prereq: 3000 (500) or 4000 ( ...

  3. General Entomology Lecture

    ENTMLGY 4000 The course serves both as a single, concise exposure to the subject and as a foundation for advanced work in entomology (systematics, evolution, ecology, management). Lectures cover all fundamental aspects but emphasize basic biological pheno ...

  4. Social Insects

    ENTMLGY 3330 Three hour general education course. Exploration of biological factors that permit ants, bees, wasps, and termites to maintain large and complex societies. Includes lecture and recitation. Prereq: Entmlgy 1101 (101) or Biology 1101 (101), or ...

  5. Christmas Holiday- Office Closed

    Our Office will be closed December 24-25th in Observance of the Christmas Holiday ...

  6. Introductory Insect Field Biology

    ENTMLGY 1260 Biology of insects and their relatives, with emphasis on behavior, ecology, and diversity; collection is required. Offered as one week summer course at Stone Lab. Prereq: Course in high school biology. Not open to students with credit for Ent ...

  7. Biology of Insects, Animals & Fungi Affecting Buildings

    ENTMLGY 1111 Acquaint construction engineers with the incredible biological diversity found on Planet Earth using insects as examples and biological models. Management of building attacking and inhabiting insects, animals and fungi will be covered. Prereq ...

  8. Exploring Entomology

    ENTMLGY 1100 Basic understanding of the global trends within entomology, the diversity of career opportunities within the industry, planning for a career and opportunities for professional development. Undergraduate 0.5 ENTMLGY 1100 Syllabus_2023.pdf Autu ...

  9. Insect Biology

    ENTMLGY 1101 Acquaints people with the incredible biological diversity represented by the largest group of living animals, the insects. Insects will be used to illustrate important biological principles and functions as well as the scientific process. Pre ...

  10. United Titanium Bug Zoo joins the Osborn Fall Fest

    Please join us Saturday, September 21 to open the new Roger Johnson Nature Center and celebrate fall! 11 a.m. Roger Johnson Nature Center grand opening ceremony 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Osborn Fall Fest  There will be music, live animals, axe throwing, giveaways, ...
