
Search results

  1. GPS Dairy Internship

    GPS has an opportunity for an Summer internship open! See attached for more details. Applications are due November 1st.   ...

  2. October 21st, 2024

    Welcome to Week 10! ...

  3. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    The Facilitated Early Entrance Program for Animal Science Students (FEEPASS) is a joint program between Ohio State University and The University of Glasgow (Scotland) College of Veterinary Medicine. If admitted, students spend their final year of undergra ...

  4. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    FEEPASS is a joint program between Ohio State University and The University of Glasgow (Scotland) College of Veterinary Medicine. ...

  5. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements, but the majority of those will happen o ...

  6. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements, but the majority of those will happen o ...

  7. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements, but the majority of those will happen o ...

  8. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. We are excited to share the basics of volunteer management, new lesson plans for Volunteer Training Competencies (Communication ...

  9. Koffee With Kirk


  10. Koffee With Kirk

