
Search results

  1. TWEL Molly McDermott Dissertation

    The contribution of agroforestry systems to bird conservation in the Andes   Molly E. McDermott, PhD  Advisors: Amanda D. Rodewald and Stephen N. Matthews   Dissertation   In the face of continued loss and fragmentation of Andean forests, shade agroforest ...

  2. TWEL Patrick Johnson Thesis

    Community structure and behavior of wintering birds in piparian forests: Relationships with landscape matrix, microclimate, and local habitat   Patrick L. Johnson, MS Advisors:  Paul G. Rodewald and Stephen N. Matthews   Thesis   Songbirds use multiple st ...

  3. TWEL Katharine Batdorf Thesis

    Distributional Changes in Ohio's Breeding Bird Populations and the Importance of Climate and Land Cover Change   Katharine E. Batdorf Advisors: Paul G. Rodewald and Stephen N. Matthews   Thesis   Major changes in the earth's climate and land cov ...

  4. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    Mapping and Visualizing Lake Level Changes for the U.S. Great Lakes with Doug Marcy and Brandon Krumwiede, NOAA Office for Coastal Management. The webinar is free. To register click here. ...

  5. BUSTEC 1200T Exploring Business

    Center                             OSU Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing ...

  6. Stone Lab Guest Lecture: Conserving the Great Lakes as a whole system

    The Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series provides relevant Lake Erie research topics and updates from state agencies. There are two ways to attend: see the lecture live on Gibraltar or watch online from the comfort of your own home. Research briefs begin at 7 p ...

  7. Stone Lab Guest Lecture: The GLRI and the GLWQA

    The Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series provides relevant Lake Erie research topics and updates from state agencies. There are two ways to attend: see the lecture live on Gibraltar or watch online from the comfort of your own home. ...

  8. Stone Lab Guest Lecture: Can Lake Erie help us monoitor algal blooms in the rest of the country?

    The Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series provides relevant Lake Erie research topics and updates from state agencies. There are two ways to attend: see the lecture live on Gibraltar or watch online from the comfort of your own home. ...

  9. Stone Lab Guest Lecture: Conservation at the Toledo Zoo

    The Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series provides relevant Lake Erie research topics and updates from state agencies. There are two ways to attend: see the lecture live on Gibraltar or watch online from the comfort of your own home. Research briefs begin at 7 p ...

  10. Of bears and biases: scientific judgment and the fate of Yellowstone’s grizzlies

    Bruskotter, Jeremy T., John A Vucetich and Robyn S. Wilson. 2016. Of bears and biases: scientific judgment and the fate of Yellowstone’s grizzlies. The Conversation [online journal].   Jeremy T. Bruskotter Robyn S. Wilson Journal article ...
