
Search results

  1. Dutch Elm Disease

    disease because the first extensive research was done by pioneering Dutch women. American elm trees once ... “survivors.” Some communities have made extensive attempts to save their elm trees, such as Washington, D.C., ... Elm bark beetle larval gallery. Other diseases may present somewhat similar symptoms. As the name ...

  2. USDA wants farmer input on rules for a voluntary carbon market

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  3. Japanese Beetle

    beetle, Popillia japonica, is generally found east of a line running from Michigan, southern Wisconsin and ... usually in high-quality urban turf. Beetle skeletonizing a leaf Hosts The adult beetles are general ... and bentgrass. Damage Symptoms The adult beetles are skeletonizers, meaning they eat the leaf tissue ...

  4. Hobby Maple Syrup Production

    Extension, Geauga County Kathy Smith, Program Director, Forestry; Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences; Ohio State University Extension Late winter and early spring is maple season; that time of year ... purchased from a maple equipment supplier. Check with your county Ohio State University Extension office, ...

  5. Custom Rates and Machinery Costs

    costs in Ohio. This information is updated frequently and published by OSU Extension. It is widely used ... distributed at various Extension programs through the winter of 2024. The summary information included in this ... Rates 2012 By Alan Miller Purdue Extension Farm Business Management Specialist. The rates reported in ...

  6. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee webinar

    Grab a cup of coffee and join OSU Extension’s conversation with  Dr. Seungki Lee as he examines ...

  7. Thousand Cankers Disease

    observed walnut mortality. The fungus is carried by an insect, the walnut twig beetle (WTB;  Pityophthorus ... (infection events) over time by G. morbida-contaminated beetles for tree dieback and overall decline to ... indication of tree damage except for tiny beetle entrance holes, but sometimes areas of outer bark ...

  8. Corn Rootworm Management

    northern corn rootworm (NCR) (fig. 2) are leaf beetles that feed predominantly on corn. Adult WCR are gold ... hatch often coincides with sightings of the adult firefly beetle. The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed ... beetles, which emerge from the soil and start feeding on corn foliage, pollen, and silks around mid-July. ...

  9. Measuring Standing Trees

    Environmental Sciences; Ohio State University Extension Woodland owners often need to measure the merchantable ... Heiligmann, Extension Specialist, Forestry; College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Ohio ... State University Extension; and Steve Bratkovich, District Specialist, Forestry; College of Food, ...

  10. Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize

    Plant Pathology *Corresponding author: (330-263-3842) Maize chlorotic dwarf of maize is ... Laboratories Testing or Providing ELISA Kit for MCDV Identification Agdia: Ag Crops and ...
