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  3. Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo

    runs from 6-8pm at the UTBZ in the Wooster Science Building on OSU’s Wooster Campus. Cost per session ...

  4. Community Paint Out With Artist Mah Leah Cochran & OSU BUGmobile

    Join artist Mah Leah Cochran and paint BUGS with the community during Scioto Fest!   FREE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. No registration necessary.  SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 11AM-1PM Visit the Ohio State University's traveling BUGmobile featuring over 150 diffe ...

  5. WestFest Science & Sustainability

    Join us for The Ohio State University’s West Campus Science & Sustainability Festival WestFest 2024 will be held on October 19th, from 11:00am-3:00pm on the West Campus quad, surrounding buildings and green spaces. West Campus quad is the green space ...

  6. Join the BUGmobile for an annual celebration of all things buggy at the Penitentiary Glen Reservation!

    Live bugs, games, activities, and crafts at this FREE event. Join us at Penitentiary Glen Reservation as we celebrate Bug Day with activities for all ages. Whether you’re an insect enthusiast or just looking for a family fun outing, Bug Day is the perfect ...

  7. Entomology Featured in Ohio State Wooster Campus Newsletter

    Extension, members of the OSU entomology department and other neighboring universities to create innovative ... state and beyond.  More... As the state extension specialist for specialty crop entomology, Ashley’s ... management tactics in crops like pumpkins, peppers, apples, peaches, and leafy greens. She partners with OSU ...

  8. Entomology Seminar

    Join us, Select Thursdays at 9am, Online and In-Person The Department of Entomology hosts a series of guest speakers featuring renowned entomologists sharing their research and insights to further the advancement of knowledge. Virtual Seminar Zoom Connect ...

  9. Christopher M. Ranger

    ambrosia beetle attacks during a simulated flood event. Insects 9, 83. Ranger, C. M., Biedermann, P. H. W., ... beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115: 4447-4452. Miller, D. R., Crowe, C. M., ... for ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Eastern USA. Journal of Entomological ...

  10. Jessi Raubenolt

    Jessi Raubenolt Graduate Student, Perry Lab raubenolt.20@buckeyemail.osu ... .edu 270 Wooster Science Building 1680 Madison Ave, Wooster OH, 44691 B.S. Environmental ... Science/Biology, Ashland University, 2023 Thermal biology of exotic ambrosia beetles; Forest pest management and ...
