
Search results

  1. Jim Downs

    Jim Downs Assistant Professor, Forestry Field Specialist Forestry (740) 603-3224 downs.63@osu ...

  2. Monitoring Western Corn Rootworm Activity in Soybeans to Predict Rootworm Injury in First-Year Corn

    By 1996, OSU Extension entomologists had confirmed that the new variant of WCR had become established ... adult rootworm beetles only deposited their eggs in plantings of corn. The eggs hatched the following ... first-year corn can be predicted by monitoring WCR beetle activity in soybeans during the previous season. ...

  3. Graduate

    contacts Graduate Program Coordinator: Sarah DeVilbiss Graduate Studies Chair: Reed ... Johnson Entomology Graduate Student Handbook Entomology Graduate Student Handbook, ...

  4. Ground Beetles

    HYG-2102 10/19/2011 David J. Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Extension ... Ground beetles are occasionally a nuisance indoors by their presence. Homeowners may confuse these ... beetles for cockroaches, carpet beetles, woodboring beetles, or some other household structural pest. ...

  5. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    Science; Ohio State University Extension Osler Ortez, Corn and Emerging Crops, Department of Horticulture ... Extension Aaron Wilson, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist; College of Food, Agricultural, and ... Environmental Science; Ohio State University Extension Weather patterns for corn production are shifting ...

  6. Faculty Research Areas

    agricultural research and extension.  Megan Meuti Many of us intuitively recognize that our mosquito problems ... soil-dwelling arthropod communities, particularly ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae).    Larry Phelan Our ... performs research and extension on the ecology and management of insects in agronomic crops including corn ...

  7. Asmita Murumkar, Ph.D. Dr. Murumkar conducts applied research and outreach activities on  Assessment of the impacts of ...

  8. Whole Farm Planning Model

    assessments. OSU Extension Whole Farm Planning Model Adapted from: Manitoba Agriculture and Food Business ... developing mission statements, refer to the OSU Extension fact sheet Develop a Useful Mission Statement for ... the OSU Extension fact sheet Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business. In short, the ...

  9. How does Ohio’s agricultural exemption from zoning apply to a composting facility?

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. European Elm Flea Weevil

    ANR-38 08/03/2016 Curtis E. Young, PhD, Assistant Professor, Extension Educator, Agriculture and ... family Curculionidae] is a new foliage-eating beetle of elms in Ohio. The adults feed on leaves, ... include American, Asian and European species and elm hybrids; however, its most favored hosts appear to be ...
