
Search results

  1. University COVID-19 Dashboard

    The university has developed a data dashboard that will be updated weekly to inform the public about test results and other information about the university’s COVID-19 status. The student data includes both surveillance testing to continuously gauge the p ...

  2. Ohioline Update

    The Ohioline landing page has been reformatted in a small way that should make a big difference. ...

  3. Zoom Cloud Retention Deadline Extension is Approaching

    The university previously announced the Zoom cloud retention rate would change from 270 days to 120 days, and the date of that change was extended to Feb. 5. ...

  4. CFAES Response to Local Food Producers

    CFAES has noted several recent programming successes regarding their response to Local Food Producers. ...

  5. Work-Life Balance: Parenting during COVID-19

    With the spread of COVID-19 persisting into the fall, the challenges of working remotely have only become more complex. Many schools across the country have adopted either a partially or fully-online curriculum, adding additional pressure to our employees ...

  6. Work with Diverse Audiences

    Whitney Gherman, FCS educator based in Marion County, has recently been recognized for her work with and on behalf of diverse audiences.   ...

  7. Ohio State COVID-19 Town Hall – April 12

    The next university town hall will be held on April 12 at 5:30pm. The discussion will include information on fall campus reactivation plans, updates about the state of the pandemic and vaccination progress as well as time for questions. ...

  8. CFAES DEI Monthly Newsletter

    The CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion newsletter features upcoming events, information on professional development webinars, and resources. ...

  9. CFAES Principles of Community

    We affirm our conviction that racism and inequality have no place in CFAES. Our CFAES Principles of Community serve as a base for managing these actions. ...

  10. CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education: April 5-9 Celebration of Research Week

    In coordination with the CFAES Annual Research Conference, the first annual Celebration of Research Week will be an opportunity to revel in the many successes of the CFAES research community. ...
