
Search results

  1. Thoughts from the Director

    This last weekend we were able to spring forward, and I hope you have been enjoying the less evasive sunshine and the warmer days that have come with the entry into the spring. ...

  2. Volleyball is Back!!!

    It not may be 6v6 but 4v4 is better than nothing!!! Get your team registered now at! Don't have a team? Sign up as a free agent!  Deadline is March 24th @ 5pm. League starts on March 25th and plays every Thursday with matches beg ...

  3. Secrest Slide is Open!!

    Forecast looks beautiful for the week! Why not go explore Secrest and the Fortress! Grab your mask and take a ride down the slide!! NOW OPEN!!! ...

  4. Daily Health Check: Health Reporting App Pilot

    As you likely saw in the All-CFAES message earlier today, beginning this weekend, our college is one of seven units (including athletics, dentistry, and the Office of Research) who will begin participating in the health reporting app pilot for the univers ...

  5. Lawn Care 101; The Basics of the Perfect Lawn

    join us at Lawn Care 101 on March 24 in Pickerington! Stan Smith from OSU Extension will be there to ... registration information on this program along with three others OSU Extension is presenting in cooperation ...

  6. State-based Repopulation Plans

    State-based units are primarily continuing to telework for the foreseeable future. ...

  7. Learn to Freeze Fruits and Vegetables

    OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Shannon Carter will teach participants to ... Save this flyer with all the details. ...

  8. The CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses Webpage

    The CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses webpage is a central location to find college-specific guidance, links to university resources, and key contacts for support. ...

  9. AHA! A Children's Museum.. Vegetable Garden and Butterfly Garden

    Master Gardener Volunteers serve as organizers, mentors and gardening experts at the AHA Children's Museum, an 11 acre site near the River Valley Mall in Lancaster, OH, for the raised-bed gardens and the Butterfly/Pollinator Garden. Master Gardeners ...

  10. Contact Tracing/HIPPA

    As a reminder, contact tracing is not handled through our college. ...
