
Search results

  1. Canning Time: What To Know About Preserving Summer Garden Yields

    you! Melinda Hill is an OSU Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Educator and may be reached at ...  If you frequent farm markets, grow your own, or have some shared with you, taking advantage of ... lemon juice, citric acid or vinegar to do this.  Check out our (food tab, then food ...

  2. Beef

    Beef program in consultation with and under the authority of OSU Extension and the Wayne County ... Advisor), Diane Johnson (OSU Extension), Stephen Heppe (FFA), AlanMichael Ulrich (Senior Fair Board), Sean ... Complete Quality Assurance Training by July 24th.   See the   Quality Assurance page  for more ...

  3. 2024 Canfield Fair Information

    For more Information from our Canfield Fair Display See the Links below. If you have any questions or concerns, our Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic is open Monday and Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm until the end of October.  Caring for Houseplants Comfrey C ...

  4. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutri ...

  5. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutri ...

  6. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutri ...

  7. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutri ...

  8. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutri ...

  9. News and Notes Email Updates

    encouraged to regularly read our Wayne County 4-H News and Notes E-Mail Updates as these messages contain ... and other activities. News and Notes E-mail Updates are typically sent out weekly from February ... inbox! Subscribe to Wayne County 4-H News and Notes E-Mail Updates Below are links to all of the News and ...

  10. Mahoning County Master Gardeners Diagnostic Clinic

    The OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to ... for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. One of those services is an open ... clinic located in the Extension Offices to assist our community with problems they are experiencing in ...
