
Search results

  1. Leveling the Playing Field for Ohio Communities

    Mark Rembert, Bo Feng and Mark Partridge of the Department of Agricultural, Environment, and Development Economics recently published a report that explored access to broadband access throughout Ohio. ...

  2. Announcing a new sustainability major at The Ohio State University

    information will be coming soon or contact us at   Environmental Economics Sustainability ...

  3. AEDE Participation at the 2012 EcoSummit

    sequestration: the extensive and intensive margins” on Thursday October 4th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm in Exhibit Hall ...

  4. Professor Elena Irwin Participates in “Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era” at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum in Frankfurt, Germany

    in the group focused on finite land resources and competition due to her extensive research in this ...

  5. Turning Egg Shells and Tomato Peels into Tires

    Dr. Katrina Cornish and her team have found a way to make tires more environmentally and use food waste. By using tomato peels and eggs shells as filler in tire manufacturing, companies can reduce the amount of petroleum-based filler necessary. Popular Sc ...

  6. You Need to Represent!

    The CFAES Alumni Board is taking applications for a representative from our Class of 2016. ...

  7. Cattleman's Convention Wrapup

    CFAES alumni and friends corralled for a special reception during the recent Cattle Industry Convention & National Cattlemen's Trade Show in Nashville. ...

  8. Welcome, Mr. Ward!

    Adam Ward, the new CFAES director of government affairs, has been serving as executive director of the Ohio Soybean Association. ...

  9. New Director Set in Stone

    Dr. Christopher Winslow has been appointed as the new director for Ohio Sea Grant and Ohio State’s Stone Laboratory, effective Feb. 1. He has served as interim director since 2015. ...

  10. Fulbright Scholarship Grant takes Thompson to Prague

    CFAES professor Stanley Thompson is working with the Czech University of Life Sciences through April, thanks to a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant. ...
