
Search results

  1. Good Agricultural Practices Workshop

    Local Matters, Godman Guild, InFACT and Ohio State University Extension invite the public to join ...

  2. Expanded Aquaculture and Vegetable Farm

    is a joint project sponsored by the Franklin County Office of Ohio State University Extension, and ...

  3. Vacant Lots Become Productive Urban Farm

    is a joint project sponsored by the Franklin County Office of Ohio State University Extension, and ...

  4. Go Fish (And Earn Two OSU Semester Hours!): Lake Erie Sport Fishing Course at Stone Lab

    3-day sport fishing workshop, and a complete list of Stone Lab courses. Tory Gabriel  is the Extension ...

  5. Hugelkultur and Lasagna Layering Class The class will be held at The Friends Garden, 925 E. Main Street, Columbus, OH. It is located at ...

  6. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies Workshop

    University Extension invite the public to join them in a workshop series to help plan for the 2018 growing ...

  7. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies Workshop

    University Extension invite the public to join them in a workshop series to help plan for the 2018 growing ...

  8. Energize Ohio Train-the-Trainer Workshop

    provide OSU Extension Educators a comprehensive understanding of energy development in Ohio and how the ... energy as a critical statewide issue! The abundance of natural resources and extensive open space ... opportunities and challenges. Extension Educators throughout Ohio are in an ideal position to educate ...

  9. Good Agricultural Practices Workshop

    University Extension invite the public to join them in a workshop series to help plan for the 2018 growing ...

  10. Integrated Pest Management Workshop

    University Extension invite the public to join them in a workshop series to help plan for the 2018 growing ...
