
Search results

  1. Internships

    ABS Global is now recruiting for a variety of exciting opportunities for our Summer 2021 intern positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an accredited technical college or university.  To v ...

  2. Student Org Spotlight

    Student Org Spotlight- Community Council The mission of Community Council is to encourage a better social and academic atmosphere within Applewood Village and provide residents with activities and programs to help improve the quality of life at Ohio State ...

  3. Your Voice, Your Vote

    ATI Students, you still have an opportunity to make your voices heard. If you are a registered voter, don't forget to take part in this year's general election on Tuesday, November 3rd. Shared by Dr. Janini ...

  4. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

      October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Violence and trauma of any kind takes a toll in so many ways — Take a moment for some self-care.  Follow this link for some #DVAM2020 coloring pages from the National Network to End Domestic Violence! https: ...

  5. Homecoming Cornhole Tournament

    Enter your team now!! Homecoming/Celebrating Buckeye Pride continues on October 14th! Grab a partner for the Court's Fall Cornhole Tournament. Registration deadline- October 12th at 11:59 pm Double elimination bracket beginning at 5:00 pm on October ...

  6. Wooster Science Cafe is Back: October 14th

    The Wooster Science café Fall presentations are back! October 14th at 7:00 pm:  Becoming a Community Scientist (& a Better Naturalist): How You Can Help Bees and Other Pollinators  presented by Denise Ellsworth, The Ohio State University Zoom link for ...

  7. October 5- 11, 2020


  8. Student Org Spotlight

    Student Org Spotlight- Artists de Fleur/SAIFD Artists de Fleur  is a club for floral design students and others interested in retail floristry.  Through weekly meetings, flower sales, and student-initiated events, you will have the opportunity to socializ ...

  9. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month


  10. LiFEsports Teaches 4-H Curriculum

    Snack Attack, Awesome Meals and Global Gourmet. Two 4-H educators from the Franklin County Extension ...
