
Search results

  1. SLC Meeting

    Student leadership council (SLC) UPCOMING MEETING... The next meeting of the SLC is Sunday, Nov. at 7:30 pm. Check email for Zoom invite or SLC Team. Questions or issues, contact holava.1 ...

  2. OUAB Presents

    Monday, November 2, 2020  OUAB Presents: Behind the Scenes with Josh Peck and Ashley Tisdale For over 20 years, both Josh Peck and Ashley Tisdale have grown up in the spotlight. Josh, starring in numerous shows such as “Drake and Josh” and “The Amanda Sho ...

  3. Posters

    Posters Using Needs Assessment Data to Improve Access for Rural Farmers and Farm Families [PDF] Dining with Diabetes Resources and Guidance for On-line Adaption [PPT] ...

  4. Stress Task Force Offering Help to Struggling Ohio Farmers

    State University Extension or within the community. Read more... ...

  5. Environmental & Sustainability Virtual Career Fair


  6. Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) Altar

    Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is two day holiday, Nov. 1st and 2nd,  that involves family and friends gathering to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.  An altar is used to to place photos, messages, favorite foods and dr ...

  7. Election Day and Fisher Auditorium

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Fisher Auditorium will be used as a polling station on Tuesday, November 3rd.  To access The CFAES Cafe and study area, please use the south-side entrace. ...

  8. ODA confirms first population of Spotted Lanternfly in Ohio


  9. Implicit Bias: Awareness, Understanding, & Improv

    BEYOND BIAS: Awareness, Understanding, & Improv Join ImprovEdge 's Brooke Cartus and Karen Hewitt, in a highly interactive and motivating experience focused on unpacking unconscious/implicit bias and addressing how we can use the behaviors of imp ...

  10. Sessions

    Learn more about our Implicit Bias and IGNITE conference sessions   ...
