
Search results

  1. Daily Health Check: Health Reporting App Pilot

    As you likely saw in the All-CFAES message earlier today, beginning this weekend, our college is one of seven units (including athletics, dentistry, and the Office of Research) who will begin participating in the health reporting app pilot for the univers ...

  2. Pass It On: Business Transition Training

    business succession planning… To register go to ...

  3. Forming a more Diverse Cooperative History

    Kline’s previous experience working with county extension offices, private foundations, and museums, ...

  4. Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day is July 12

    weeds and manure on farms. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of The Ohio State University’s College of ... Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Jeff Stachler, OSU Extension agriculture and natural ... resources educator, and Glen Arnold, OSU Extension educator and field specialist in manure nutrient ...

  5. State-based Repopulation Plans

    State-based units are primarily continuing to telework for the foreseeable future. ...

  6. The CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses Webpage

    The CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses webpage is a central location to find college-specific guidance, links to university resources, and key contacts for support. ...

  7. Contact Tracing/HIPPA

    As a reminder, contact tracing is not handled through our college. ...

  8. COVID-19 Testing

    The university has indicated that faculty and staff will be offered the opportunity to be tested on a weekly basis. ...

  9. IM Yard Pong League

    Sign up you and your partner for IM YARD PONG at the SAC! League starts Tuesday March 23 at 7:00 pm.  League runs for 3 weeks with a week 4 double elimination tournament! Registration deadline- March 21 at 11:59 pm Champs win an IM Championship T-shirt an ...

  10. March 15- 21, 2021

