
Search results

  1. News from Academic Affairs

    changes: virtual learning after thanksgiving The last day of any in-person instruction is Wednesday, Nov. 25. There are no scheduled classes Nov. 26th- 27th. Instruction in the last week of the semester (Nov. 30th- Dec. 4th) and final exams (Dec. 7th-11th ...

  2. Virtual Cattle Battle for Youth

    Perry County 4-H advisors Drew and Elaine Glenn and Jessica Boring created the Virtual Cattle Battle for youth to virtually show their livestock. ...

  3. A New Way to Connect

    On June 9, 2020, the first ever President’s Club Virtual Speaker Series, held a discussion led by Dr. Stephen Gavazzi, who discussed several topics, including the significant responsibilities that accompany Ohio State’s prominent status as a land-grant un ...

  4. OH-Zone Virtual Career Fair

    The OHZone Virtual Career Fair is a collaboration hiring event put on by OhioMeansJobs Ashland, Holmes and Wayne Counties. This free fair is designed to provide you an opportunity to connect with businesses that have available positions and are ready to h ...

  5. CFAES DEI Monthly Newsletter

    The CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has published the second edition of its monthly newsletter. ...

  6. CFAES Principles of Community

    We affirm our conviction that racism and inequality have no place in CFAES. Our CFAES Principles of Community serve as a base for managing these actions. ...

  7. Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education

    To better understand changes that need to be made to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning environments, Ohio State is launching a new seminar series … Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education. ...

  8. Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – March 3 Webinar

    What is diversity and why is it important? What is the difference between equality and equity? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these things fit together to achieve justice? ...

  9. Call for Proposals – 2021 National ESP Conference

    The national Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia on October 25-28. Proposals are due by March 8 for concurrent session seminars, ignite presentations, research presentations, and posters. ...

  10. Call for Proposals – Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference

    The Engagement Scholarship Consortium seeks proposals for its conference on September 13-15 via virtual format. The 2021 annual meeting will explore the theme of “Creating Connections and Expanding Possibilities.” ...
