
Search results

  1. Morrow County- Drying Fruits & Vegetables/Freezing Fruits & Vegetables

    be tested.  Stop in or call the OSU Extension – Morrow County at 419-947-1070. ...

  2. FAQ

    first step to becoming a volunteer is to contact your local OSU Extension office for an application. The ... Sciences programs in the state. Q: How can I become an OSU Family and Consumer Sciences Volunteer? A: The ... appropriately funded. This could also involve serving on Family and Consumer Sciences and Extension committees. ...

  3. Managing Time During COVID-19 FREE

    Effective time management is hard to do during normal circumstances. It can be even more challenging while working virtually with an uncertain future. There are proven time management strategies that can help us still be productive and keep moving forward ...

  4. Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict and COVID-19 FREE Registration Closed

    This webinar will provide us with some foundational strategies to help you in dealing with and navigating interpersonal conflicts you are or may encounter during these changing times. ...

  5. Maintaining a Positive Attitude During COVID-19 FREE

    We have been hit on all sides by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our lives have drastically changed due to the Ohio stay-at-home order. Many are tasked with adjusting to working virtually, and also the addition of several tasks—such as educating our children. All ...

  6. Inspire

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Food Safety for Consumers, Specialty Crop Producers and Marketers

    The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation. Science-based information is available and updated as new information becomes available at the  CDC  and  Ohio Department of Health. The following are resources specific to specialt ...

  8. Office Closed- 4th of July


  9. Office Closed- Memorial Day


  10. Camp Counselor & Junior Fair Board Applications Due

