
Search results

  1. Constitution & Bylaws

    periodic re-organization in Extension.    In 1995 Jill King, Past President and Chair of the Constitution ...

  2. Background Checks and Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions

    stakeholders, OSU Extension will take reasonable steps to ensure hiring decisions effectively contribute to ... lessening unnecessary risk. As a department within The Ohio State University, OSU Extension will: Adhere to ...

  3. Checking Account- Outstanding Checks

    Do not carry forward outstanding checks any farther than the life of a check- usually around 2 to 3 months… if not cleared, follow-up to see if it needs stop payment and re-written or voided. Checking_Accounts ...

  4. OSU Extension Conference – Outreach and Engagement Conference

    through outreach and community engagement. OSU Extension provides the structure by which Ohio State ... maintains a presence in all 88 counties. Although the programs of OSU Extension represent a substantial part ... and engagement programs of the university that do not involve OSU Extension, but are focused on ...

  5. A Season for Gratitude and Reflection


  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Student, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk prices In the last issue, the Class III futures for November and December were at $23.10 and $16.09/cwt, respectively. Class III closed at $17.08/cwt in Decemb ...

  7. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook for April – June 2015

    Dr. Cameron S. Thraen, Associate Professor and OSUE State Dairy Markets and Policy Specialist, ... 25 basis points from its weakest point back in mid-2011.  While good news for those of us buying ... products imported to the U.S., this is not good news for those wishing to export products from the U.S.  ...

  8. Road Show Reflections

    Thank you again to those who have attended the road shows throughout the state. We have one more road show in Dayton this coming Monday. ...

  9. Office of Sponsored Projects Updated Record Retention

    Original receipts can be disposed of/destroyed once the expense posts in the financial system. This will align OSP with University policy on record retention and is allowable by sponsors. Since the electronic document/digital image is the back-up record f ...

  10. Master Gardener Program-Early Vegetable Seeding

    For full details, please consult the flyer and the news article. ...
