
Search results

  1. Buckeye Meat Judging Team Fajita Fundraiser

    Judging Team Coordinator / 614.943.9440 cell ...

  2. 2015 Manure Science Review

    capacity.  Glen Arnold, OSU Extension Lunch included in registration FIELD DEMONSTRATIONS Subsurfer: Poultry ... hose on growing corn Setbacks. Janell Weiss Cover Crops: Planting and Applying Manure. Sam Custer, OSU ... Extension;  Matt VanTilburg ...

  3. Ohio Poultry Owners Advised to Increase Biosecurity as Virus Spreads in Western U.S.

    virus, said  Mohamed El-Gazzar, poultry veterinarian for Ohio State University Extension. OSU Extension ... OSU Extension also has a fact sheet, Biosecurity for Poultry, online at  ... Extension, Darke County, visit the Darke County OSU Extension web site at, the OSU ...

  4. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    Clif Little, OSU Extension Guernsey County, Breanna Pye, OSU Extension Noble County and Troyce Barnett, ... July 1st.  Check-in for the tour will begin at 8:30 am in the parking lot of the OSU Extension ... University Extension Sheep owners and others interested in forage management are invited to participate in ...

  5. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    My John Deere and MyShed-Case IH. Some of the presenters include Dr. John Fulton, the new OSU ... will also occur during the day. This regional event is open to the public and was organized by the OSU ... Extension office and Farm Bureau office in Champaign County. We would like to thank Farm Credit for ...

  6. An Evening with Jack Hanna and the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium

    email ...

  7. Multiple Internship Opportunities with Ohio Cattleman's Association

    through catalog preparation and advertising. The successful candidate will also work with the OSU ... Extension Beef Team to execute advanced winter educational programs.  The application deadline for the five ...

  8. King & Queen Applications/Department Queen Applications Due to the Extension Office


  9. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1980-1985

    1946-50, and served as a professor of Dairy Science and state extension specialist at OSU from 1954-81. ... Landmark, Inc., as a member of the Ohio Extension Advisory Committee, as a member of the board of directors ... ranks to Associate Professor in Dairy Science. Throughout his long association with OSU, he has made ...

  10. Teen Workshop

    room at the Extension Office.  Members who are 13 years old and older and their parents will learn ...
