
Search results

  1. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    A message from oneeighty.... Explore a bit of the history behind Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Think about how much has changed! Visit  for more information. ...

  2. October 20- Canning Soup


  3. Emily Buck, Ph.D.

    Emily Buck, Ph.D. Co-Director, OSU Leadership Center and Professor Agricultural Administration ... Building 614-292-4937 ...

  4. Campus Change Transition Process

    Planning to Transition to columbus in SP21? Please contact Cate Hunko.1,  Transition Counselor, as soon as possible to get enrolled in the Transition modules and submit a campus change request form.  The Transition Modules, Campus Change Request form, and ...

  5. ATI Student Org Deadline Past & Approaching

    ATI Student Org to-do list Friendly reminder to all ATI Student Orgs, if you haven't already, please be sure to complete the following to be considered a registered student organization. Student Orgs not registered by November 6th will be removed fro ...

  6. Tips for Becoming More Self-Aware and Coachable Lead or Compete

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Coronavirus disease advice for the public: Mythbusters

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Mythbusters The World Health Organization has provided advice and downloadable fact sheets regarding COVID-19 for the general public. You are encouraged to review this information and get the facts reg ...

  8. News


  9. 2020 Homecoming King and Queen

    2020 Homecoming King & Queen The 10th annual regional homecoming courts attended the virtual coronation yesterday, on Sunday, October 18th.  ATI and the regional campuses were recognized at this time and the King and Queen's were announced.   Dr. ...

  10. External Scholarship Opportunities

    It's time to start exploring external scholarship opportunities!  Take a look at these external scholarship opportunities, your local county community foundations, and more!  New additions will be made throughout the year. ...
