
Search results

  1. Pesticide Applicator REcertification

    the renewal application. Reservations are requested and may be made by calling the OSU Extension ...

  2. External Scholarship Opportunities

    It's time to start exploring external scholarship opportunities!   Take a look at these external scholarship opportunities, your local county community foundations, and more!  New additions will be made throughout the year. ...

  3. Dairy Critical Issue Briefs (DIBS): 24 now available online address issues facing dairy producers dealing with today’s continuing pitiful milk prices

    production and economic consequences. OSU Extension’s Dairy Working Group, a collaboration of OSU Extension ... Ms. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University Extension (top of page) ... contact information for the author(s) if you have further questions.  DIBS can be found at the OSU ...

  4. Cafe Carmen Closed

    Café Carmen will be closed 11/11/20 ...

  5. ATI First Generation Celebration!!


  6. Insta Trivia

    insta trivia week- nov. 2nd- 6th When: 1:00 pm- Question of the Day will be posted Where: Must be following @osuatisac to qualify. *Must be current ATI student to win!* Reply with answer to be entered into raffle for a chance to win a Buckeye prize basket ...

  7. November 2- 8, 2020


  8. Nominate the Most Spirited Buckeye

    Most Spirited buckeye Now Accepting Nominations for the Most Spirited Buckeye!   Buckeye spirit isn't just about who can wear the most scarlet and gray on game day; it's acts of kindness for others, displays of creativity in your living environm ...

  9. Grocery Bingo

    Nearing the end of the semester.... Running out of groceries? Haven't been home for awhile? Then come to Grocery Bingo! When: Tuesday, November 3rd at 4:30 pm Where: SAC  Event is limited to 10! Pre-register or show up until full. Limited players = g ...

  10. SLC Meeting

    Student leadership council (SLC) UPCOMING MEETING... The next meeting of the SLC is Sunday, Nov. at 7:30 pm. Check email for Zoom invite or SLC Team. Questions or issues, contact holava.1 ...
