
Search results

  1. Making Food at Home to Sell- Virtual Q&A Sessions

    Registration: When: 12- 1 pm ET on the following dates July 25, 2024- What foods can be ...

  2. Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop

    Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop- September 6, 2024 Whether you're a professional in horticulture, agriculture, or simply a passionate gardener, this workshop offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand y ...

  3. ServSafe Testing

    Testing is to be completed after an in-person or online ServSafe course. Upon a passing grade, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from ServSafe® and a Certification in Food Protection from the Ohio Department of Health. For more informa ...

  4. ServSafe Testing

    Testing is to be completed after an in-person or online ServSafe course. Upon a passing grade, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from ServSafe® and a Certification in Food Protection from the Ohio Department of Health. For more informa ...

  5. Leesa Alexander

    4-H Program Assistant 4-H and Youth Development 937-440-3947 ...

  6. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    free to use. Home Buyer Education workshops taught by or on behalf of OSU Extension are offered as an ... or OSU Extension endorses or approves any of the products, services or opinions of the entities or ... individuals associated with these links.  The Ohio State University and OSU Extension bear no responsibility ...

  7. Tri-State Industry Conference

    Originally organized and managed entirely by Ohio State University Extension Hamilton County, our committee ...

  8. Joe Boggs

    longhorned beetle (ALB) since the beetle was discovered in Ohio in 2011 garnering over $100,000 in funding ... Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources Tree/Shrub Diagnostics, Applied ... Entomology, Non-Native Invasive Pests, Urban Forestry 513-824-3280 Joe is an assistant professor in Extension ...

  9. Growing Garlic in Your Garden

    Planting season is not yet over in Ohio. It is getting close to garlic planting time. Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Dr. Tim Mcdermott, will teach you about the varieties of garlic, how to plant garlic, and when to plant garlic so that you ca ...

  10. Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia

    Join Jenny Lobb, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, to learn the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and treatments relating to these diseases. Resources from the Alzheimer’s Association will be ...
