
Search results

  1. Lauren Roberson, PhD, RD, LD 614-688-0261 Lauren Roberson is a licensed dietitian with the State Medical Board of Ohio. She is ...

  2. All Things Livestock!

    submitted to the Holmes County Extension Office no later than June 1st. Skillathon  Skill-a-Thon judging ...

  3. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    We invite you to be part of a unique event this fall. Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different location. Using a participatory process, specific project ideas are craft ...

  4. 4-H Basics: Welcome to 4-H

    out and sent to OSU Extension, once submitted to the county of request, the county Extension 4-H ... Extension professionals and volunteers by providing accommodation plans to meet the needs of Ohio 4-H youth ...

  5. Seminar by Vice Chancellor Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal of Punjab Agricultural University

    The Lal Carbon Center is pleased to announce that Vice Chancellor Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal of Punjab Agricultural University will present a seminar discussing the accomplishments and advances in agriculture, education, and the environment at the Punjab Agri ...

  6. All Things Lifeskills!

    Family Guide  This is your place to connect to our entire collection of Ohio 4-H project books for the year. Each project book contains information and activities for members to explore as an organized group project or at home under the guidance of a pare ...

  7. 2024 Digital Internship Gallery

    from 2023. Click through videos and posters to listen and read more about how students found their ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series Photos


  9. The Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference

    Is your community dealing with wildlife issues? If so, this conference is designed for you.   Join Ohio community leaders and planners for a conference focused on the role of local government in managing human-wildlife conflict. This year’s topics include ...

  10. New fund will support scholarships and experiential learning

    a life of travel, singing, and family camping and fishing trips. Dr. Roth played in the OSU TBDBITL ...
