
Search results

  1. CFAES Principles of Community

    We affirm our conviction that racism and inequality have no place in CFAES. Our CFAES Principles of Community serve as a base for managing these actions. ...

  2. CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education: April 5-9 Celebration of Research Week

    In coordination with the CFAES Annual Research Conference, the first annual Celebration of Research Week will be an opportunity to revel in the many successes of the CFAES research community. ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Film Project Day

    details about submitting their videos to the national 4-H Film Fest. In 2014, two Ohio 4-H members were ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Conference Volunteer Award Winners

    Congress, attended the North Central Regional Leader Forums and served on the State Extension Advisory ... Committee. She is currently in her twenty-fifth year as chairman of the Ashtabula County Extension Advisory ...

  5. In-Person Programming Clarification

    I have reached out to the college and we are awaiting updates from the university, given current circumstances. I will update you as soon as I hear something as soon as we know more.  ...

  6. Mini-Pulse Survey

    I mentioned in a previous update that we would be starting to offer mini-pulse surveys to offer frequent, quick opportunities to provide input or feedback about various topics of interest. ...

  7. #4HCampNeedsYouNow- THANK YOU!

    contributions are still welcome for the remainder of the summer at ...

  8. Highland County 4-Her Aims to Save 4-H

    watch her video.     Check out the Revolution of Responsibilty national campaign and how to ...

  9. Measurement and Instrumentation

    FABENG 5161 Analysis and design of measurement systems; data acquisition, signal conditioning, error and noise control, sensors and transducers used in food, agricultural and biological systems. Prereq: 525 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 6 ...

  10. Professional Practice in Industry

    FABENG 5191 Preparation and submission of a comprehensive report based on a pre-assigned outline of actual co-op or internship employment in industry. Prereq: Admission to co-op or intern program in FABEng. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs. Undergradua ...
