
Search results

  1. Buckeyes Converge on Battle Creek, Mi. for CFAES Alumni Reception

    Mingling in a 16th-floor banquet room overlooking downtown Battle Creek, Mich., dozens of alumni and friends of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences enjoyed a reception at the McCamly Plaza Hotel by the Kello ...

  2. Spotlight Fund: The Dr. Mark Bennett Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Consider a gift to the Dr. Mark Bennett Memorial Scholarship Fund (#482871), a pending endowment with the purpose of providing scholarships to undergraduate students enrolled in CFAES who are studying in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science wit ...

  3. Cornish named NAI Fellow

    FAES scientist Katrina Cornish recently was named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. Cornish, who holds the Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent Materials and is an Ohio Research Scholar, was one of two inductees — along with Vice President for ...

  4. Balasubramaniam co-edits new book on high-pressure food processing

    V.M. “Bala” Balasubramaniam of the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) recently co-edited a new Springer book called High Pressure Processing of Food: Principles, Technology and Applications with Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas o ...

  5. Hendrick Headed for His Alma Mater as Dean

    Congratulations and best wishes to Ronald Hendrick on his appointment as dean of Michigan State University’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, effective July 1. Returning to his alma mater as dean is an exciting opportunity for Dr. Hendrick, w ...

  6. Leadership YOU

    for individuals seeking professional development hours. If you have questions, contact the OSU ...

  7. Scarlet and Gray Ag Day Partners with Mid-Ohio Foodbank to Inspire Hunger Heroes

    Scarlet and Gray Ag Day committee member Dustin Homan at or 937-538-1273.-30- Caroline ...

  8. Say Good-bye to Manually Controlled Sprayers

    Ehsani, an Ohio State University Extension agricultural engineer who is among a group of researchers ...

  9. Ohio Soybeans On Track For Record Yields

    1997. "Yields have been fantastic," said Jim Beuerlein, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    Extension appointment. "But once it starts warming up and dormancy is broken, it becomes an issue ...
