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Camp Counselor Meeting
the Lisbon Extension Office, if you would like to car pool or follow us to the meeting. Our estimated ...
Junior Fair Board Meeting
Please contact Curtis Veiock (Jr Fair coordinator) for more information ...
NAE4-HA New Extension Professional Webinars – It's Time to Register for Conference...but how?!
Abstract: Deciding to go to the NAE4-HA conference was easy, but going through the online registration is a different story? Let us help you as you prepare to navigate the online registraton system. We don't want you to miss the chance to register f ...
NAE4-HA New Extension Professional Webinars – Expanding Your Professionals Development with NAE4-HA
Abstract: This webinar will provide you with a better understanding of professional development opportunities available to all association members. These include virtual professional development webinars, journal of youth development, awards submissions a ...
NAE4-HA New Extension Professional Webinars – NAE4-HA: What are the Benefits
Abstract: Why should i join NAE4-HA? What are the benefits of being a member? Will this really help me in my career? Are these some of the questions that are running through your head regarding NAE4-HA membership? We understand and have been there before ...
Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting
Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting
Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting
Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting
Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting