
Search results

  1. Final Exams-Dr. Heldman

    245 Bethany reserved for Ivanett Friday, April 30, 2021- 2:00pm to 6:00pm ...

  2. Final Exams-Dr. Heldman

    219 Bethany reserved for Ivanett  Friday, April 30, 2021- 2:00pm to 6:00pm ...

  3. Director’s Open Office Hours

    Starting in December, I will be offering open office hours every second Tuesday from 10am to noon. There will be 15-minute slots you can sign up for in advance (more details coming soon on how to schedule). ...

  4. University Purchasing Methods Prioritization

    The state of Ohio laws and Ohio State Board of Trustees govern university procurement practices. Ohio State is a purchase order-driven organization; and we are encouraged to use POs whenever possible to allow the university to track spending by goods/serv ...

  5. Make a Favorite in Workday

    In Workday, Click on Blue Cloud in upper right corner (which is your Profile), then click Favorites, in next window click Manage Favorites, click 3-dots with lines so you can type in what you would like to make a favorite (IE: Create Expense Report, View ...

  6. To EDIT a Workday Entry

    To make a CHANGE to a Workday entry, you need to be in the EDIT screen. Find your entry by searching for "My Expense Reports" or type of entry you created- you will see that you are in the VIEW screen-and in the red bar look for ACTIONS and clic ...

  7. Call for Input: Racism and Racial Inequities

    The Task Force on Racism and Racial Inequities is seeking input from the university community to help identify big ideas and grand challenges to address racism and racial inequities. ...

  8. Zoom Cloud Retention Deadline Extension is Approaching

    The university previously announced the Zoom cloud retention rate would change from 270 days to 120 days, and the date of that change was extended to Feb. 5. ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteer Program Training Announced

    educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. ... awarded after the completion of 50 volunteer hours at OSUE sponsored projects or approved activities of ...

  10. OneDrive Training Available for BuckeyeBox Migration

    Prepare to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive by joining an online, instructor-led class about OneDrive or Teams in May. ...
