
Search results

  1. Congratulations SBDC team members Chris Smalley and Melissa Carter

    their enterprises. This program is a yearlong intensive course that meets at the OSU South Centers ... Aquaculture Program at the OSU South Centers has led to a new client base and attendees have benefited from ...

  2. Science Fair Judges Needed (and Will be Paid)

    The Ohio Soybean Council is seeking judges to evaluate youth science fair projects at 17 district science fairs across Ohio on Saturdays in March. Judges will receive a stipend for a couple hours of judging, have their mileage reimbursed, and will be orie ...

  3. ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling

    Looking to take a free or technical elective this spring? We are offering a new course in Agricultural Systems Management; ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling. I have attached a flyer with more details. Students will gain knowledge on the princi ...

  4. Human-Animal Interactions Club

    The Human-Animal Interactions Club is having an animal trainer from the Columbus Zoo guest speak on January 24 th  from 5:30-6:30! Hope to see you there! ...

  5. Blueberry trees focus of Gary Gao’s University of Florida visit

    By Gary Gao, PhD, Extension Specialist and Associate Professor As a part of Gary Gao’s new ...

  6. Endeavor Center and SBDC success

    been another successful year for the OSU Endeavor Center. The center operated at a 100% occupancy rate ... Development Center (SBDC) at the OSU South Centers was recently successful in obtaining the SBDC funding award ... OSU South Centers provided the following assistance:   •  Provided consulting to 345 clients of which ...

  7. Photo Contest

    What was your most memorable human-animal interaction in 2018??? Send CHAIRE a photo with a brief description for a chance to win prizes and to be featured on their website and social media! Submissions are due by January 14th, 2019 at 11:59pm. ...

  8. Equine Program

    equine-related teaching, research, and Extension activities. The facility features a heated indoor arena, ...

  9. US Trotting Association Summer Internship

    Extensive Harness Racing Experience demonstrated through knowledge of current events, understanding of basic ...

  10. Wehrkamp inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    animal scientists (Midwest Poultry Consortium Board) to extensive involvement within the Defiance, OH ... He also gives freely of his time and expertise to OSU animal science students in the form of invited ...
