
Search results

  1. Some Wheat Yellowing from Stress

    research and Extension plant pathologist said that wheat in areas through northwest and northeast Ohio — to ...

  2. Market Expectations Overshoot Projected Crop Plantings

    shift is not as great as the markets expected. Matt Roberts, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  3. Ohio Could Set Record Wheat Yields

    University Extension plant pathologist and wheat specialist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  4. Prospective Plantings Not a Surprise. It's Weather that Could Shape Grower Decisions

    planting," said Matt Roberts, an Ohio State University Extension agricultural economist with the Department ...

  5. Evolving Precision Agriculture Technology Fattening Farmers' Wallets

    user, but operate under minimal costs. Reza Ehsani, an Ohio State Extension precision agriculture state ... specialist and Matthew Sullivan, an Ohio State Extension program specialist, have tested six commercially ...

  6. What Was Good for Corn Was Bad for Soybeans

    in its November crop production report. Jim Beuerlein, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist, ...

  7. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    being interviewed by former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw and helping identify key players in the story, ...

  8. Bruce McPheron Accepts Provost Appointment

    After a national search, Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake has named Bruce A. McPheron executive vice president and provost, effective immediately. McPheron previously served as interim provost and, for three years, vice president for agric ...

  9. OARDC to Unveil Unique Ag Safety Facility Sept. 16 in Wooster: Public Invited The largest university agricultural bioscience research center in the nation, OARDC is the ...

  10. For the Most in Pasture Management, Measure Forage Dry Matter

    University Extension educator in agriculture and natural resources. "Using this type of information can ...   Candace Pollock Rory Lewandowski False False True False False True False False False False False ...
