
Search results

  1. EPN Breakfast- Perspectives on the Maple Industry Through the Lens of Forestry, Business, and Policy Development- Columbus, Ohio

    Learn from a diverse panel of experts who will share  the history and future of maple trees in Ohio, describe life on maple tree farms and talk about an Ohio House Bill seeking to incentivize maple tree production. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the ...

  2. FACT Field Day

    visit Please note a similarly ...

  3. Planning for a Successful Timber Harvest- for Woodland Owners in southeastern Ohio

    Extension, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (divisions of Forestry and Soil and Water), Glatfelter, ...

  4. Land-Grant University Lecture by William E. “Brit” Kirwan

    The 15th Annual James F. Patterson Land-Grant University Lecture will feature William E. “Brit” Kirwan, chancellor emeritus of the University System of Maryland and former president of Ohio State, on Wednesday (5/2) 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The lecture honors fo ...

  5. Help FABE Students Restore Carmack Woods

    Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FABE) students are working with local organization, Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW) to remove invasive plant species from the Carmack Woods.  They are undertaking this job and inviting volunt ...

  6. Food Pyramid Scheme- Columbus, Ohio

    Food Pyramid Scheme explores the structural inequalities that exist in the domestic food system for both producers and consumers.  ...

  7. Deloris Veney

    Deloris Veney Research Assistant 1-B/H (Dorrance Lab) 116 Selby Hall, Wooster ...

  8. Angela Nanes

    Angela Nanes Research Assistant 2-B/H 330-263-2703 238 Selby Hall, Wooster ...

  9. CFAES & MANRRS Diversity Networking Breakfast

    The CFAES Alumni Society Board invites alumni and friends to to network with current students and discuss how to utilize networks for internships and career advancement. Please stop in for coffee and bagels and invaluable information. We look forward to s ...

  10. 2015 Dairy Project Leasing Information

    refer to the sample lease on the OSUE animal science web page for information on leasing ...  Our office does not require these lease forms be turned into our office at this time, but it is ...
