
Search results

  1. Are you seeing purple wheat?

    Some farmers in northwest Ohio have noted purple-reddish leaves on their wheat crop (see picture). If your wheat plants turned purple, here are a couple of things to note: Environmental: Was the shift in color fairly sudden and widespread in the field? If ...

  2. 2016-39


  3. Post-Harvest Guidelines for Yield Monitors  for additional Precision Ag information. DATA CARD: –      Take the time to create a backup copy ...

  4. Large Variation in Forage Grass Performance in 2014

    2013 that is reported in the Ohio Forage Performance Trials ( Of 32 ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-24

    available at County Extension offices sometime in early August. Protect your Wheat Seed While Waiting for ... soybean harvest. Alan Sundermeier, co-coordinator of Ohio State University Extension's Sustainable ... Bender at 937.498.7239 or   State Specialists: Pierce Paul, Dennis Mills (Plant ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-33

    pressure because key research in this area was done by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research ... treatments on dandelion or Canada thistle.  In OSU research, application of dicamba alone has not typically ... herbicide treatments” “Should ...

  7. Soil Fertility Nutrient Management Workshop Series- Greenville

    Workshop Dates & Times: November 14, 2016 from 6:00-9:00pm December 12, 2016 from 6:00-9:00pm January 10, 2017 begins at 10:00am January 23, 2017  from 6:00-9:00pm Soil and Water Management Soil Testing Nutrient Management ...

  8. Kernel Red Streak

    With this kernel anomaly, red streaks form on sides of kernels and extend over the crown. Streaked kernels are more common at ear tips, especially if the husks are loose and kernels exposed. Kernel red streak is sometimes attributed to ear molds or mycoto ...

  9. The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans

    As everyone has probably heard by now, there is finally a federal label for the use of a dicamba product, XtendiMax, on dicamba-resistant (Xtend) soybeans, such as it may be. We cover some of the highlights from the label here and in part II, some additio ...

  10. 2016-38

