
Search results

  1. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    program. When I came to OSU, I was charged with building an international footprint and I believe that we ...

  2. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    program. When I came to OSU, I was charged with building an international footprint and I believe that we ...

  3. AEDE’s Sathya Gopalakrishnan to Participate in National Climate Change Research Symposium

    interdisciplinary collaboration in the OSU community across the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts ...

  4. Webinars

    Jin Kim,  Brent Sohngen  and  Abdoul G. Sam, OSU AEDE, and Kevin King, USDA Agricultural Research ...

  5. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  6. The Laws and Politics of Markets: A Case Study of Food in India

    Amy Cohen. Photo Credit: OSU Amy Cohen, Associate Professor of Law in the Moritz College of Law at ...

  7. The Myth of Green Jobs and Other Myths of Climate Change

    Presented by Mark Partridge at the Climate Change Conference at OSU, February 22, 2010. Mark ...

  8. New Ohio Sea Grant Project Helps Determine Lake Erie's Value to Its Residents

    official OSU polo shirts and clipboards to gather people’s emails, so they looked very official and not ... this Ohio Sea Grant supported project, contact Dr. Irwin at  January 6, 2014 ...

  9. Meet Charlie Chern, Emeritus Professor Living and Teaching in Taiwan

    Rural Economic Society and another two from the Taiwanese Economic Association. For the long-time OSU ...

  10. Do Local Residents Value Federal Transfers: Evidence From the Canadian Federation?

    Equilization_OSU_April_08_Equalization_pres.pdf C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy ...
