
Search results

  1. Solving critical issues in water resource management

    Assistant professor, Mazeika Sullivan along with his students talk about the importance of wetlands and water. ...

  2. morpc's Summit on Sustainability & the Environment

    The Summit on Sustainability & the Environment is MORPC's signature environmental conference, bringing hundreds of community leaders together to explore and share sustainable ideas and solutions. This year’s event will be held at the Hilton Colum ...

  3. OIA's Study Abroad Expo

    The Office of International Affairs’s Study Abroad Expo will be held on Friday, September 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Buckeye Reading Room of the Thompson Library. Students will have the opportunity to speak with experts about studying abroad. ...

  4. New SENR Undergraduate Student Welcome

    New to SENR? Get acquainted with our School's policies and people at the New Student Welcome. Join us on the west patio of Kottman Hall and enjoy an ice cream treat as you receive the SENR student guidebook and hear introductions from the School dire ...

  5. Jason Tucker's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Jason Tucker, a MS student in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, on Thursday, August 21, at 11:00 a.m. in 245 Kottman Hall. He will present Movements, Habitat Use, and Home Ranges of Greater Sandhill Cranes (G ...

  6. A Special Seminar on Aquaculture

    A special seminar on Applications of Brewer's Yeast Products with a Focus on Aquaculture wil be given by Dr. Holger Kuhlwein, Leiber GmbH, Bramsche, Germany, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. For more information contact   Konrad Dabrowsk ...

  7. Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Workshop

    Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Workshop, headed by The Ohio State University with support from Greenleaf Advisors, LLC, is a workshop and symposium series dedicated to the development of multidisciplinary and whole system management practices for the ag ...

  8. Michal Wojno's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Michal Wojno, a PhD candidate in the Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP), on Friday, August 15, at 8:30 a.m. in 333 Kottman Hall. He will present Improved Diet Utilization of Intensively Cultured F ...

  9. What Every Job Candidate Needs to Know

    Here is some of our best advice that will help you put your best foot forward as a job candidate: Prepare an informative, realistic, well thought out resume.  Target that resume for each job you apply for...learn more about resumes here. Arrive for an in ...

  10. Lunch with the Birds Webinar

    Identifying Fall Warblers, presented by Scott Albaugh, Instructor, Zane State College Register for this webinar at / This webinar is an offereing of the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative ...
