
Search results

  1. Winter Tree ID

    Join us for this hands on workshop designed to help you work with a dichotomous key in indentifying trees in the winter months.  This is an advanced class, so some knowledge of tree identfication is required. This program will be held at the Donald W. Mey ...

  2. Selling Timber? Consider This...

    Selling Timber? Consider This..... will be held at the University of Akron Medina County University Center in Medina, Ohio. Learn more details and register at the OWS site. Registration deadline is Mar. 21, 2014. ...

  3. CFAES Research Forum

    Participating in the CFAES forum allows you to share research specifically with members of our college and prepare for the Denman. The registration deadline is January 31. Read here for more details. ...

  4. Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop

    The Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop will be held at General Butler State Park in Carrollton, KY.  For more information and to register visit the Ohio Woodland Stewards website. Deadline to register is March, 14, 2014. ...

  5. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

      Dr. Bob Cox, University of Virginia Department of Biology, will present Two Genders, One Genome: The Evolution, Ecology, and Endocrinology of Sexual Conflict in Jennings Hall 001. ...

  6. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    Steve Hovick, EEOB Senior Research Associate, will present Re-shuffling the Deck: How Evolutionary Processes can Enhancee Invasion Success in Jennings Hall 001. Contact Allison Snow for more information. ...

  7. Express Services

    Express Services are offered in 210 Kottman Hall to students on a walk-in basis with a time limit of 15 minutes. Students can get help with:  Scheduling, adding or dropping a class prerequisite concerns general academic questions signatures for forms such ...

  8. Express Services

    Express Services are offered in 210 Kottman Hall to students on a walk-in basis with a time limit of 15 minutes. Students can get help with:  Scheduling, adding or dropping a class prerequisite concerns general academic questions signatures for forms such ...

  9. Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be given by Mark Nye (ESPG) in 202F Kottman Hall. His presentation will be Microbial Diversity in Simulated Long-term Glyphosate Tolerant Cropping Systems. ...

  10. Regional Fire Science Consortia Webinar

    Join the Lake States Fire Science Consortium and the Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium for  An Adaptive Framework for Management of Invasive Forest Plants: Integrating Prescribed Fire, Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological Technique ...
